Who We Are

UniCoder STEAM KidS Club

We don't just want to teach children how to code or create websites. We want to build a platform to help children grow into future leaders who are creative, problem solvers, fast learners, and team players, rather than just becoming excellent employees.

That's why we established the Unicoder STEAM KIDS Club, an educational club aimed at fostering creativity and exploration abilities in children. The Kids Club will be a membership-based organization, providing children with a sense of belonging. In addition to teaching programming, website development, and robotics competitions, the club also emphasizes developing children's practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork spirit. All while ensuring a solid understanding of safe digital practices, including safe and responsible social media usage and web navigation.

  • 1 Clublike Environment
  • 2 Teamwork Spirit
  • 3 Exploration Abilities
  • 4 Future Leaders
Our Core Values

We are Redefining STEAM Education


Comprehensive STEAM Approach

We believe in providing a comprehensive STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education to children. Our club offers a wide range of activities and resources, including robotic competitions, art shows, and talks from IT industry experts. By incorporating various disciplines, we ensure that children develop a holistic understanding of STEAM concepts and their practical applications.


Cutting-edge Technology and Resources

we understand the importance of staying updated with the latest technological advancements. That's why we provide state-of-the-art resources, such as 3D printers, Lego League Robotics, Vex Robotics, and the future Apple Vision Pro. By utilizing these advanced tools, children can explore and experiment with innovative technologies, fostering their curiosity and problem-solving skills.


Emphasis on Creativity, Initiative, and Safe Digital Practices

We firmly believe in nurturing creativity and initiative in children, while also ensuring they are equipped with safe digital practices. Alongside structured activities, we encourage kids to undertake their own projects and initiatives, with a special emphasis on understanding the world of web and social media responsibly. By giving them the freedom to explore their interests and pursue their ideas within a safe digital environment, we empower children to think critically, take risks, and become independent thinkers and learners. This approach not only enhances their problem-solving abilities but also fosters a spirit of teamwork, collaboration, and digital safety awareness and discernment.



STEAM Explorer

  • 1 class per week
  • Weekly in person Q&A sessions
  • Weekly in person lab time
  • Speaker Session
  • Club Activities
  • Hands on 3D printers
  • Newest technical products in Lab
  • Robotics competition opportunity *
As Low as

STEAM Enthusiast

  • 2 classes per week
  • Weekly in person Q&A sessions
  • Weekly in person lab time
  • Speaker Session
  • Club Activities
  • Hands on 3D printers
  • Newest technical products in Lab
  • Robotics competition opportunity*
As Low as