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Build A Computer Game - Snake

This is a 10-class course to build a computer game using HTML and JavaScript. Students will learn how to create a classic Snake game.

The class covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to HTML: Students will learn how to use HTML to create the basic structure of the game, including the game board, the snake, and the food.
  • Introduction to JavaScript: Students will learn how to use JavaScript to create the logic and functionality of the game, including the movement of the snake, collision detection, and game over conditions.
  • Game design principles: Students will learn about the basic principles of game design, such as game mechanics, level design, and user experience.
  • Building the game: Students will work on a project to build the game Snake using HTML, JavaScript, and Canvas. They will learn how to create the game board, the snake, the food, and other elements of the game.
  • Game optimization and debugging: Students will learn how to optimize their game for performance and how to debug their code using browser developer tools.


This class is suitable for beginners with an interest in web development and game development. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is recommended but not required.


  • Student: Max 8
  • Classes: 10
  • Time: Mon 7-8 PM
  • Class Day: Monday
  • Lectures: Zoom