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Kids Beginner Robotics (Lego Prime and AI Robot Car)

The objective of our Kids Beginner Robotics course, facilitated through the use of the LEGO Education SPIKE™ Prime Set and the AI Robot Car, is to provide an exciting, hands-on introduction to the world of robotics for young learners. Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts such as mechanical design, programming, problem-solving, and teamwork. They will have the opportunity to build, program, and test their very own robots, igniting a passion for innovation and engineering. The overarching goal is to develop a foundational understanding of robotics that can be built upon in future learning, all while having a great deal of fun in an engaging, collaborative environment.

Our Kids Beginner Robotics (Lego Prime and AI Robot Car) course will comprehensively cover below topics, including but not limited to

  • Introduction to Robotics: Understanding the basics of robotics and its significance in the modern world. Exploration of different types of robots and their applications.
  • Mechanical Design Principles: Learning the fundamentals of mechanical design, including gears, levers, and pulleys, using the LEGO Education SPIKE™ Prime Set.
  • Basic Programming Concepts: Introduction to programming logic and algorithms, essential for controlling robots.
  • Building with LEGO SPIKE Prime: Hands-on experience in building robots using the LEGO Education SPIKE™ Prime Set, focusing on creativity and innovation in design.
  • Robot Structure: Step-by-step guidance on understanding the components of a Robot.
  • Programming using Scratch: Learning to code the robot for various tasks and challenges, using intuitive programming environments such as Scratch.
  • Sensors and Input/Output: Understanding how robots interact with their environment using sensors and respond through outputs.
  • Problem-Solving and Debugging: Developing critical thinking skills by troubleshooting and solving problems encountered in robot design and programming.
  • Collaborative Projects and Teamwork: Engaging in group projects to foster teamwork, communication, and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Project and Demonstration: Students will apply their learned skills in projects, demonstrating their robot's capabilities and what they have learned in the course.

Course Details

  • Name: Kids Beginner Robotics (Lego Prime and AI Robot Car)
  • Course Code: RL101
  • Age Group: 7-10 years old
  • Date and time: Saturdays and Sundays, please refer to the class schedule page, or email
  • Teaching model: In-person (Fairfax, VA 22030)
  • Maximum Seats per class: 10 (Secure your spot now!)

Course Pricing

  • Standard Enrollment Rate: $425 per course (10 classes)
  • This course is also available for selection under our membership plan, offering benefits and savings to members at $169/month for one course enrollment, and $229/month for two courses enrollment. Click here to learn more!

How to register

Please email below information to Thank you for your support!

Child’s full name
Date of Birth
Current grade level
Parent’s full name
Email Address
Phone number
Membership plan
Course(s) to register (Course name, date and time)


  • Course Code: RL101
  • Maximum Seats per class: 10 (Secure your spot now!)
  • Age Group: 7-10 years old
  • Date and Time: Saturdays and Sundays, please refer to the class schedule page, or email
  • Class Day: Monday
  • Teaching model: In-person (Fairfax, VA 22030)