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Beginning Robotics with LEGO SPIKE Prime Set

THis course is designed to provide children with an engaging and hands-on learning experience in the field of robotics. Participants will explore the fundamentals of robotics, coding, and problem-solving, all while building and programming their own robots using the versatile LEGO SPIKE Prime Set.

The class covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to Robotics and SPIKE Prime Set: Students will understand the basics of robotics and the LEGO SPIKE Prime Set, learn about the different components of the set and their functions.
  • Exploring Sensors and Actuators: Students will explore various sensors and actuators included in the set, understand how to use sensors to detect and respond to the environment, build a robot that can interact with its surroundings using sensors.
  • Introduction to Coding: Students will learn the basics of block-based coding using the SPIKE Prime App, understand programming concepts such as loops, conditions, and variables, program a robot to perform specific tasks using coding blocks.
  • Introduction to Movements and Control: Students will explore different types of robot movements and control mechanisms.
  • Introduction to Sensors and Data: Students will explore advanced sensors and their applications, understand how to collect and process sensor data.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting: Students will learn how to debug and troubleshoot their robot projects, and how to optimize their code for performance.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to robotics using the LEGO SPIKE Prime Set. By combining hands-on building, programming, and problem-solving activities, children will develop a strong foundation in robotics and coding. They will gain essential skills such as logical thinking, creativity, teamwork, and perseverance, setting them on a path to explore and excel in the fascinating world of robotics.


  • Student: Max 10
  • Time: 10:00 - 10:50 AM
  • Class Day: Sunday
  • Lectures: In Person